Tuesday, May 9, 2017

This is the strategy and Fitness Tips according to experts

Hallo ... Welcome to our blog ... Some countries have a personal trainer that gives us more than 20 insightful tips and strategies specifically designed to help You build strength, gain muscle mass, fat loss, improve your endurance and maintain healthy eating habits.

This is the strategy and Fitness Tips according to experts

1. Nutritional Basics

Ask almost any personal trainer and they’ll tell you that regardless of your training goals, healthy eating is the backbone. Food is what fuels your body to reach your goals and without proper nutrition through quality foods, you’re likely to stall. As a result, if possible, eat organic foods and, above all else, maintain a balanced diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, complex carbohydrates, complete proteins, and fats including such things as fish oils and flaxseeds.

2. Prepare Ahead

Regardless of what you’re doing, preparing yourself in advance gives you the best chance to accomplish your goals. Micah LaCerte, a personal trainer and fitness competition world champion, explains that your approach to nutrition should be no different. LaCerte says it’s best to prepare for your “upcoming day by prepping all your food in advance.” He adds that this will ensure you do “not eat bad foods or skip meals.” 

3. Eat more

Eating only three daily meals? For over 25 years, personal trainer Mike Duffy has sought to correct this habit explaining that, “half the people I deal with aren’t losing weight because they don’t eat enough.” Duffy advises them “to eat five times a day, about every three hours to stimulate their metabolism” including two mini meals between their three basic meals. With activity levels decreasing throughout the day, he advises to “eat less as the day goes on.”

4. Portion Control

You’ll be eating more often, so paying attention to portions is extremely important. Jay Cardiello, a personal trainer to countless celebrities and professional athletes, explains that you need to “make sure chicken breasts, (and) meats, are no larger than your palm” and that “spaghettis, (and) pastas, are no larger than your fists.” He also suggests using “smaller bowls, plates, and cups” because studies show people “serve themselves 20 to 40% more food when they’re using larger plates.”

5. Eat With Purpose

Everything you consume should have substantial nutritional value. No one knows this better than Dan Trink who possesses 11 training certificates in spite of once being overweight. Today, through the magic of the Internet, Trink helps people around the world get healthy and he stresses that, “you want the most nutritional bang for your buck.” He adds “everything you eat should serve some sort of nutritional purpose in your body, fuel your workouts, and (be) geared towards optimizing your body.”

6. Muscle-Building Basics

Talk to any personal trainer and they’ll tell you there are certain muscle-building basics. First, increase your caloric and complete protein intake. Then, when you enter the gym, focus on your form. Perform compound movements and train with weights on average around four times a week. Never underestimate the importance of rest. Remember, muscle tissue grows outside of the gym when you’re giving your body time to relax and recover following your workouts.

7. Range of Motion

Don’t take any short cuts. As personal trainer Lee Boyce explains, that means you should “aim for the largest ROM you can achieve in your exercises.” Why? Simple, according to Boyce, an ex-athlete with a background in Kinesiology and Health Sciences, “your muscles will do more work per rep, and it will result in your breaking down more tissue by the end of the workout.”

8. Up and Down

Wondering how to get the most out of lifting weights? Duffy says that he tells his clients to “use a weight that will have them failing on the set between the 30 and 40 second mark because research has shown that it’s the time under tension that causes muscle to grow if you are trying to build more muscle." He cautions that if “you’re failing at 20 seconds, you know that weight was too heavy.”

9. Contradicting Cardio

Do you love your cardio exercises? If so, you’ll be disappointed to know that, as LaCerte states, “during times of mass building you do not want to do large amounts of cardio.” Why? Chances are you’ll be burning far too many calories. So what should you do if you still want to get in some cardio? LaCerte says “a light jog a few days per week for 20 minutes is adequate.”

10. Supplementing

Some feel supplements can play a key role in boosting muscle gains. If you subscribe to that theory chances are you’re already taking protein supplements, but what else? Trink says that creatine “seems to be about the most effective strength and size-building supplement.” And, to boost your performance, you may also want to try peppermint. Cardiello explains that, the scent “alters the perception of how hard you’re working out” making it seem “less strenuous, slower paced, and easier to complete.”

11. Prepare Yourself

When it comes to training for endurance, you’ll need to be hydrated and be sure you’re eating properly because, by its very nature, this form of training is very demanding on your body. You should be doing a good mix of cardio and weight training. And, to increase your aerobic capacity, you should incorporate intense interval training. You’ll likely be sweating buckets and burning calories galore, so be prepared.

12. Heart Rate Monitor

If you already own a heart rate monitor, considering all the exercises you’ll be performing, this would be a good time to use it. If not, you may want to either go out and buy one, or learn how to do it yourself. Why? Duffy advises to “monitor your heart rate” because “it’s not just doing it and doing it for 60 minutes, it’s am I doing it hard enough for 60 minutes.”

13. Exhaust for Endurance

To further your endurance training, you need to put in total effort. Boyce says, “you’re going for muscle exhaustion, so remember to fully exhaust the muscles.” How can you do that? Boyce suggests that you “get good at the bodyweight staples – pull ups, chin ups, push ups, inverted rows, (and) squats.” He adds that, “if you can master these movements for high reps, your muscles will get well conditioned.” 

14. Reduce Rest Time

It’s always tempting to take a break when training, but LaCerte advises that you should “stick with rest times of 30 to 45 seconds between sets” because he says “this will help increase your overall endurance.” LaCerte adds that “if you are strength training, lift moderate to heavy weight and keep your rep range between 8 to 15 reps,” or “if you’re running, mix duration cardio with sprinting.”

15. Fight Fatigue

Fatigue may be your biggest enemy when endurance training, but Cardiello gave us some tips to fight it. First, drink beet juice because “it can actually increase stamina by up to 16%” and it “helps your muscles produce more energy, more efficiently, making exercise less exhausting.” Another way to boost your performance is by carefully selecting your music because a recent study suggested that, “when people listen to favorable music their blood vessels expanded 26%.”

16. Strengthening Basics

According to our personal trainers, if you want to build strength, you have to set goals and be patient. In the early going it’s important to be consistent and stick with your plan. When you’re in the gym, don’t get distracted. Stay focused on the task at hand. When you leave the gym, make sure you get proper rest and keep track of your progress. If you stay determined, your goals can be accomplished.

17. Motivation

Motivation is key. Cardiello advises to count down when performing reps and “look at your dominant hand while you’re pushing up.” He explains that it “automatically includes a positive reinforcement” because the dominant hand more easily and quickly moves the weight. Also, if you’re using the post-workout sauna time as a motivating factor, stop because it “actually impairs performance and strength two days later.” Instead, Cardiello suggests taking cold showers or even “ice baths to help replenish muscles.”

18. Form Matters

When strength training, you’ll be putting your body through very strenuous activity, so it’s important to maintain proper form. Trink explains that by maintaining proper form “you’re guaranteed to activate the muscle groups that you are looking to train and, most importantly, you’ll stay healthy and injury-free.” He adds that the guy “who can stay healthiest can train the most and in the long run makes the most progress.”

19. The Little Things

Ever notice how a bunch of seemingly insignificant things can make all the difference? Strength training is no different. Boyce explains that when you’re strength training you have to “pay attention to the little things” because “you’re only as strong as your weakest link.” As a result, he suggests that “if you notice a deficiency, address it in conjunction with your program.” 

20. Change Helps

If you want to make progress, sometimes you have to change things up. Why? LaCerte explains that it’s important because you have “to ensure that your body never gets adapted to what is coming next.” Once that happens, you may notice diminishing strength gain results. To avoid this possibility, LaCerte suggests that you could “switch up how heavy you’re lifting, your tempo of an exercise, your rep/set count, or what time of the day you’re lifting.”

Friday, May 5, 2017

Preventing Early Menopause

Preventing Early Menopause

Conditions and circumstances change someone who can provide a variety of reactions to the changes. Change a person physically can sometimes reduce the confidence, as well as other changes in one's life. How to respond to such circumstances? There are many avenues and options that can be taken. Well for this one by most women and make the dreaded specter of the less favored yaacch especially if it is not facing the onset of menopause. Indeed, this condition is normal and will certainly be experienced by all women, but despite already knew would happen to him, the state of a scourge for many women, there is a felt could stretch the relationship with your spouse or other things and reasons that have sprung up.

Difase this, it will be perceived symptoms that make someone uncomfortable, among other things, reduced sex drive, skin begins to sag, burning sensation that radiates to the chest and face, in addition to the pattern of irregular menstrual periods. However, menopause can not be avoided because it is a natural thing. There are also some things you can do to prevent the onset of menopause is not too early, as with regular body work, diet and lifestyle coupled with a healthy lifestyle is how to maintain and care for the overall health of the body that must be done in order to have a quality of life the prime. However, there is a habit that is hard to break because it can be said to have been rooted in one's life where this could be the cause. Bad habits that affect the health and condition of a person is to be abolished. Want to know why? Because one of the habits that lead to early menopause is smoking therefore immediately stop smoking, because early menopause triggers one of which is exposure to nicotine. It is based on research from the San Francisco Institute of Cancer Risk Registry University of California who has proven this. Women who smoked up to 20 cigarettes per day is expected to experience menopause before the age of 45 years. Normally menopause came at the age of 51 years.

Early menopause does have a lot of health risks. Such as increased risk of osteoporosis, heart disease and begin sexual life disruption. Well, so you do not have early menopause, these 4 natural ways to prevent it, as reported by Boldsky:

Quit Smoking
You are a smoker? You should begin to stop this unhealthy habit from now. Harmful substances in cigarette smoke can inhibit blood circulation in the body. Especially the blood flow to the uterus and ovaries. Impact, you will have less regular menstrual periods.

Diligent Sport
Whatever your goals for preventing premature menopause, lose weight, or keep the body healthy, exercise remains the activity that must be done. Regular exercise is a powerful way to boost the immune system and blood circulation that led to more regular menstrual periods.

Consumption of Foods Rich in Phytoestrogens
Menopause estrogen levels in women decreases. Therefore, when the body no longer produces estrogen in sufficient numbers, then the best solution is mengasupnya from outside. Soy products and grains like wheat is a food rich in phytoestrogen content and can help prevent early menopause.

Increase your intake of antioxidants
Menopause and aging are two things that go hand in hand. If you are experiencing premature aging, the risk for early menopause are also greater. To prevent premature aging, eat foods rich in antioxidants such as vegetables and fresh fruits. Vegetables and fruits such as spinach, broccoli, strawberries, grapes, and apples are known potent in the fight against the aging process.
Menopause does happen naturally. But if you can put it off, it means you have more chance to live a healthy life.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

12 Super Foods to Fight Cancer


Every day a person diagnosed with cancer. Although the cause of cancer is not known with certainty, it does not mean we can only surrender to face this disease. Many studies showed that cancer can be prevented with a healthy lifestyle.

Choosing a healthy diet and regular exercise not only can prevent cancer, but research also shows that appropriate foods can stop the growth of cancer cells. Here are 12 super foods that are known to keep us from cancer.

1. Peanuts
Rich in vitamin E, which lowers the risk of colon cancer, lung, liver, and other cancers. Delicious peanut butter on whole wheat bread will help you fight cancer.

2. Grapefruit
Oranges, grapefruit, and broccoli are rich in vitamin C. These elements are essential to prevent the formation of nitrogen compounds that are cancer-causing. Foods containing high vitamin C decreases the risk of cancer of the esophagus, bladder, breast, cervix, stomach, and colon. So, do not forget these foods in your daily diet.

3. Berry
Berries are powerful cancer fighter. The higher the antioxidant content that causes such.

4. Sweet potato
Sweet potatoes are rich in beta carotene may reduce the risk of colon cancer, gastric, and lung. Studies show, sweet potatoes can lower the risk of breast cancer by half.

5. Wild salmon
Salmon, especially wild caught fish, a source of vitamin D which is good. Vitamin D-rich foods help block the development of blood vessels that feed a tumor to grow and help stop the proliferation of cancerous and precancerous cells.

6. Flax seeds
Omega-3 fatty acids prevent the growth of cancer cells, but it also can reduce inflammation. Aside from fish, flax seed is a source of omega-3 fatty acids are good.

7. Turmeric
Curcumin, the active ingredient of turmeric that play a role in anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. Curcumin can also be a barrier of communication of cancer cells thereby preventing its development.

8. Tea
Tea contains catechins, compounds that inhibit the growth of cancer. A study in China said, green tea drinkers have a lower risk for developing cancer than those who do not.

9. Vegetable
Fruits and vegetables contain important fotonutrien same with minerals and vitamins. Vegetables such as cauliflower and cabbage contain phytonutrients that may help inhibit the metabolism of carcinogens and stimulates the body to produce detoxifying enzymes.

10. Tomatoes
Study in 2009, published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology shows that tomatoes contain lycopene that helps prevent prostate cancer. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant that also can prevent various types of cancer.

11. Pomegranate
Pomegranate is rich in acidic elagik that can slow the growth of cancer cells. Elagik acid also deactivate cancer-causing compounds.

12. Onions
Onions are rich in anti-cancer compounds. Onions can be eaten raw or as a mixture of food.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Maximize Olive Oil For beauty


Ladies, do you know if olive oil has so many benefits of taking care of us. The following are a few beauty tips using olive oil as the main ingredient:

1. scrub
Mix salt, sugar and olive oil and use as a scrub all over its body.
Benefits: to peel off dead skin cells, leaving skin softer and moist.

2. hair care
Pour the olive oil in a warm towel and leave for 20 minutes, then wash your hair thoroughly.
Benefits: to moisturize dry hair and softens the hair stiff.

3. face mask
Rub olive oil on your face but you have to remember to keep avoiding the eye area. After one minute, please rinse with warm water.
Benefits: the anti-aging masks

4. Hand and nail care
Rub olive oil on your hands and nails then rinse with water.
Benefits: makes nails healthier and fresh.

5. softens the skin
Rub olive oil on your feet before going to bed. Wear socks that soak olive oil is perfect when you are sleeping.
Benefits: make routine use of feet smooth and soft.
Right ladies, good luck !!

Monday, May 1, 2017

Sports Not Just For Health, But Can Also For Beauty

Sports Not Just For Health, But Can Also For Beauty

As a woman I often envy the beauty of other women, but the same time when I also want to know what's your secret so she can look and be managed as it is. I finally found the answer and until now I always do it. The answer was very simple, SPORTS. For those of you who rarely exercise it helps you read this article below, in case you change your mind and make the schedule as soon as possible to start moving your body. As long as people think the benefits of this exercise is to provide a healthy and strong body alone. By exercising people expect better stamina as it is not easy to get tired, and so strong against the disease. Think again!! Have you ever realized that in fact it was a very useful exercise for the health of your skin. Let's see what the hell the benefits of exercise for your skin care?


1. Helps remove toxins and free radicals from the body
Cigarette smoke, air pollution or chemicals in beauty products are things - things that have a negative impact on our skin and cause the free radicals. Due to this, it can damage the skin so that it will cause wrinkles or spots. But with exercise, toxins in our body can be neutralized and removed. Good blood circulation, the distribution of nutrients to the skin is absorbed up and helps remove toxins in the skin.

2. Stimulates the production of collagen
Collagen is a filler material skin cells that make our skin supple and well toned. As we age, collagen production decreases and is reduced to cause the skin to become dry and wrinkled. Collagen production can be stimulated by regular exercise because the skin cells will get the oxygen and nutrients that are good distribution so that the skin will glow and become pliable again.

3. Prevent acne
This is caused by the exercise helps control the production of DHEA and DHT hormones that trigger acne. Another cause of acne is due to stress. However, studies show that most of the stress will be reduced if you exercise regularly so that acne does not appear.

4. Reduce cellulite
Cellulite is due to fibroblast interested fabric and form pockets of fat. Cellulite generally in the buttocks, thighs, back or arms and make the skin resembles an orange peel. Presence would disrupt the appearance of your cellulite. But with your exercise, the body undergoes the process of the formation of cellulite and stretch the muscles so that there can be eliminated.

After knowing the function of sport is not only for health but also for beauty, then there is no excuse for not exercising today and the days ahead is not it?
Congratulations ladies exercising ...

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Cheap Sports: Myriad Benefits of Walking

Memorable walk a regular thing and not useful. Even those who often choose to walk to work, be overlooked and underestimated. In fact, did you know that walking has a myriad of incredible health benefits?

The researchers say that walking not only helps you burn fat and keep the weight balance, but also help prevent breast cancer as well as diabetes.

It has been proved by scientists, where walking is recommended to be done as an effective fat burning program. At least walk in the shade for 30-45 minutes, in a week you will find a change in your body, including weight loss.

As quoted from IndiaTimes, the scientists suggest that walking is a regular exercise done by everyone. Besides the rich benefits, not cost anything to be issued to foot.

Moreover, this walk is the benefit? Let's peek research scientists following ...

* Walking regularly can improve muscle strength and build stamina.
* Walking, good for the heart.
* Walking can help balance blood pressure and improving blood circulation, thereby easing the work of the heart.
* Walking good for the bones. Improve health and bone strength.
* Walking at least 30 minutes every day can improve bone density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. In fact, walking distance to train the hips, thighs, and calves together.
* Walking can improve mental health, reduce stress and improve mood.
* Walking distance to prevent someone developing type 2 diabetes.
* Walking for 150 minutes a week have been shown to reduce the risk for diabetes.
* Walking can prevent colon cancer and breast cancer.
* Walking, also a safer sport than running. The fitness expert also agreed stating that walking exercise is much better and safer for the knees, and prevent the body from various injuries because of sports.

Well, if you already know the many benefits of walking, why do not you start from now? In addition to eco-friendly, pocket-friendly and good for health also.

Let us develop a culture of walking every day.

Friday, April 19, 2013

8 Tips for Herbal Medicines Consumption

Traditional medicines made ??from herbs has long been part of the culture of Indonesian society. Alam Nusantara is very rich in herbal ingredients, even Indonesia called the third country in the world that has a diversity of plants in the world.
To increase the consumption of herbal medicines, Deputy Health Minister Ali Ghurfron Mukti had proposed that the herbal medicine is inserted into one of the treatment which is guaranteed in the National Social Security System.
However, herbal medicine is traditionally processed or home could not be ascertained precisely the amount of the ingredient, which can cause unwanted side effects if its use is not appropriate.

 To prevent this, consider the issue of safe consumption of herbal medicines according to Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
1. Do not take more than the dosage and use according to the rules stated on the packaging.
2. In the event of adverse effects, immediately discontinue use and consult a physician.
3. Inform the doctor who was treating you, because some of the ingredients in traditional medicines may interact with chemical drugs, which can cause unwanted effects.
4. Do not consume traditional medicines that contain ingredients that are known to cause allergies.
5. Liver-careful on sufferers hypertension, disorders heart function, kidney, and liver because of there are some ingredients which can aggravate circumstances.
6. Be careful if you are on a diet low in sugar, because in addition to containing ingredients nutritious, traditional medicine sometimes also contain ingredients such as sweeteners.
7. Be careful if you are pregnant or planning a pregnancy, because some ingredients may affect the fetus.
8. Be careful for breastfeeding women because some of the ingredients can be excreted through breast milk is likely to cause unwanted effects in the baby.